20 Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions In Sentences

20 Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions In Sentences | Coordinating Conjunctions Sentences Examples

What Is a Coordinating Conjunction?

The conjunction which joins two words/two independent phrases or clauses is known as a Coordinating conjunction. The two connected clauses or phrases are of equal importance.

There are only seven coordinating Conjunctions that are For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet & So. FANBOYS is an acronym to help you remember all 7 Coordinating Conjunctions.

20 Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions In Sentences
Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions Sentences

20 Examples of Coordinating Conjunctions In Sentences

Below are 20 examples of Coordinating Conjunctions. Coordinating Conjunctions in each sentence are marked with blue color.

1. I told her to leave, for I was very tired.

2. I was late, for my car ran out of fuel.

3. Pick up your things and go away.

4. I am married and have two children.

5. I bought milk and fruit from the market.

6. She doesn’t like music. Nor do I.

7. He is neither good nor bad at singing.

8. He can’t read English, nor can he speak it.

9. I like apples, but I like bananas more.

10. I can hear you, but I can’t see you.

11. He was called, but he did not answer.

12. She’s probably at lunch or in a meeting.

13. Do you prefer a pink or blue shirt?

14. You can study, or you can go to play.

15. He is rich yet he lives like a beggar.

16. He studied very hard, yet he failed the exam.

17. His advice seems strange, yet I believe he’s right.

18. I live near the zoo so I often go there.

19. I am a vegetarian, so I don’t eat any meat.

20. Her clothes were dirty, so she washed them.