18 Examples of Conjunctions In Sentences | Conjunctions Sentence Examples

18 Examples of Conjunctions In Sentences | Conjunctions Sentence Examples

What Is a Conjunction?

A conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, sentences, phrases, or clauses. Some common examples of conjunctions are: and, or, but, after, before, for, not, whether, unless, until, because, while, since, etc.

18 Examples of Conjunctions In Sentences
18 Examples of Conjunctions Sentences

18 Examples of Conjunctions In Sentences

1. My cat likes to eat and sleep.

2. I took a taxi because it was raining.

3. I will see him after I get back.

4. You have to stay here until I come back.

5. Although he is very old, he is strong.

6. Do you prefer a blue or black shirt?

7. You look as if you’ve seen a ghost!

8. I like apples, but I like bananas more.

9. I helped him though he was a stranger.

10. You can stay here as long as you need.

11. If the weather is good, we can go there.

12. You can’t enter unless you have a pass.

13. Whenever I smiled, she smiled back.

14. Lucy asked us whether we were married.

15. Someone called while you were sleeping.

16. We didn’t know that she was married.

17. It’s been two years since we last met.

18. I’ll give you a call before I visit you.

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