100 Examples of Adjectives In English

100 Examples of Adjectives In English
100 Examples of Adjectives In English

100 Examples of Adjectives In English

  • adorable
  • amused
  • blushing
  • cloudy
  • ashamed
  • better

  • doubtful
  • cautious
  • busy
  • dead
  • different
  • faithful
  • cute
  • envious
  • brave
  • adventurous
  • angry
  • bored
  • clumsy
  • attractive

  • bewildered
  • drab
  • charming
  • confused
  • calm
  • crazy
  • defeated
  • difficult
  • famous
  • dangerous
  • evil
  • breakable
  • aggressive
  • annoyed
  • brainy
  • colorful
  • average
  • black

  • dull
  • cheerful
  • cooperative
  • careful
  • creepy
  • defiant
  • disgusted
  • fancy
  • dark

  • excited
  • bright
  • lazy
  • lucky
  • outrageous
  • real
  • mushy
  • nutty
  • tired
  • precious
  • shiny
  • poised
  • sleepy
  • stupid
  • tender
  • witty
  • spotless
  • vivacious

  • perfect
  • light
  • magnificent
  • outstanding
  • relieved
  • mysterious
  • obedient
  • tough
  • prickly
  • shy
  • poor
  • smiling
  • successful
  • tense
  • worried
  • stormy
  • wandering

  • plain
  • lively
  • misty
  • panicky
  • repulsive
  • nasty
  • obnoxious
  • troubled
  • proud
  • silly

  • powerful
  • smoggy
  • super
  • terrible
  • worrisome
  • strange
  • weary
  • pleasant