18 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences | Adjective Sentence Examples

18 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences | Adjective Sentence Examples

18 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences - Adjective Sentence Examples

18 Examples of Adjectives In Sentences

Those words which describe the characteristic (quality, number, or quantity) of nouns or pronouns are called adjectives.

For example – big, black, tall, short, kind, cute, selfish, beautiful, dirty, good, bad, one, two, dangerous, sleepy, stupid, lucky, brainy, colorful, average, dull, etc.

1. The hungry boy ate all the food.

2. The baby has a cute face.

3. Rohan is a very selfish person.

4. They had a difficult test today.

5. She has three adorable children.

6. She was wearing a black hat.

7. The little boy is afraid of the dark.

8. My sister doesn’t like scary movies.

9. She is a self-reliant woman.

10. Italy is a very beautiful country.

11. We saw a funny program on TV.

12. That was the best day of my life.

13. John and Tom are good friends.

14. Bob tried to climb the tall tree.

15. He threw a big stone into the river.

16. We ate pineapple cake after lunch.

17. There is a scary spider in my room.

18. The naughty dog cowered in a corner.

Read this: List of 100 Common Adjectives