Past Perfect Tense Examples

Past Perfect Tense Examples
Past Perfect Tense Examples

30+ Past Perfect Tense Examples

  • I had slept before the film started.
  • I had known him for a long time.
  • I had already sent the mail.
  • I had already taken the medicine.
  • I had caught him before he ran away.
  • I had known her before I knew you.
  • I had known her before you knew her.
  • She had already cooked the food.
  • I had already finished my job yesterday.
  • She had finished her work when I met her.
  • I had completed my graduation by 2015.
  • I had already written four books by March.
  • I had watched the whole movie by then.
  • I had slept when you called last night.
  • She had reached the office by then.
  • I had known how to swim since childhood.
  • She had left for the office before I came.
  • 30 Past Perfect Tense Examples
  • By the time we got there, he had cut the cake.
  • Yesterday I had slept before my father arrived.
  • He had hit 4 sixes before scored a century.
  • He had made this type of mistake earlier also.
  • She had finished her work before the guests arrived.
  • The patient had died before the doctor came.
  • I had reached the school before the bell rang.
  • The police had reached there before he killed him.
  • By the time it started raining, we had reached home.
  • She had known how to cook since when she was 8.
  • I had reached the office by the time the boss arrived.
  • By the time the police arrived, they had killed two people.
  • Before the fire spread further, the fire brigade had reached there.