“Strength” is the abstract noun of strong.
Abstract Noun of Strong
Abstract Noun of Strong Example Sentences:
- He didn’t even have the strength to stand up.
- He swung the hammer with all his strength.
- Rohan pushed against the door with all his strength.
- I haven’t the strength to lift this box.
- He didn’t have the strength to walk any further.
- As the days ensued, she recovered her strength.
- He hadn’t completely regained his strength.
- I must convert sorrow into strength.
- People do not lack strength, they lack will.
- People lack willpower, rather than strength.
- You must reserve your strength for the cricket final.
- Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.
Read This Also: Abstract Noun In Hindi
Abstract Noun List Of Words
Abstract Noun List Of Words
S. No. | Word | Abstract Noun |
1 | Strong | Strength |
2 | Absent | Absence |
3 | Accurate | Accuracy |
4 | Act | Action |
5 | Active | Activity |
6 | Add | Addition |
7 | Admit | Admission |
8 | Agent | Agency |
9 | Anxious | Anxiety |
10 | Arrive | Arrival |
11 | Attend | Attendance |
12 | Author | Authorship |
13 | Baby | Babyhood |
14 | Bankrupt | Bankruptcy |
15 | Beautiful | Beauty |
16 | Behave | Behavior |
17 | Believe | Belief |
18 | Bitter | Bitterness |
19 | Bond | Bondage |
20 | Brave | Bravery |
21 | Brief | Brevity |
22 | Broad | Breadth |
23 | Careful | Carefulness |
24 | Characteristic | Character |
25 | Child | Childhood |
26 | Choose | Choise |
27 | Confident | Confidence |
28 | Courageous | Courage |
29 | Coward | Cowardice |
30 | Cowardly | Cowardice |
31 | Create | Creation |
32 | Cruel | Cruelty |
33 | Dangerous | Danger |
34 | Dead | Death |
35 | Decide | Decision |
36 | Defend | Defense |
37 | Deliver | Delivery |
38 | Depart | Departure |
39 | Dictator | Dictatorship |
40 | Die | Death |
41 | Disturb | Disturbance |
42 | Divide | Division |
43 | Educate | Education |
44 | Enter | Entrance |
45 | Excel | Excellence |
46 | Exist | Existence |
47 | Flatter | Flattery |
48 | Friend | Friendship |
49 | Hate | Hatred |
50 | Hero | Heroism |
51 | Human | Humanity |
52 | Humble | Humility |
53 | Image | Imagination |
54 | Imitate | Imitation |
55 | Important | Importance |
56 | Infant | Infancy |
57 | Intelligent | intelligence |
58 | Just | Justice |
59 | kind | Kindness |
60 | king | Kingship |
61 | Know | Knowledge |
62 | Laugh | Laughter |
63 | Live | Life |
64 | Long | Length |
65 | Lose | Loss |
66 | Man | Manhood |
67 | Marry | Marriage |
68 | Mother | Motherhood |
69 | Move | Movement |
70 | Narrate | Narration |
71 | National | Nationality |
72 | Necessary | Necessity |
73 | Novel | Novelty |
74 | Object | Objection |
75 | occupy | Occupation |
76 | Owner | Ownership |
77 | Patriot | Patriotism |
78 | Perform | Performance |
79 | Pilgrim | Pilgrimage |
80 | Please | Pleasure |
81 | Polite | Politeness |
82 | Poor | Poverty |
83 | Practise | Practice |
84 | Priest | Priesthood |
85 | Private | Privacy |
86 | Protect | Protection |
87 | Proud | Pride |
88 | Prudent | Prudence |
89 | Quick | Quickness |
90 | Real | Reality |
91 | Regular | Regularity |
92 | Repeat | Repetition |
93 | Rich | Richness |
94 | Robber | Robbery |
95 | See | Sight |
96 | Serve | Service |
97 | Speak | Speech |
98 | Steal | Stealth |
99 | Subtract | Subtraction |
100 | Thief | Theft |
101 | Wide | Width |
102 | Widow | Widowhood |
103 | Woman | Womanhood |