20 Examples of Plural Nouns In Sentences

20 Examples of Plural Nouns In Sentences | Plural Nouns Sentences Examples

What Is a Plural Noun?

A plural noun is a noun that is used to indicate more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea. For example, there are many apples in the basket.

Read this: 20 Examples of Singular Nouns

20 Examples of Plural Nouns In Sentences

20 Examples of Plural Nouns

Below are 20 examples of plural nouns in Sentences. Plural nouns given in each sentence are marked with blue color.

1. Did you find my keys?

2. The bank was robbed by thieves.

3. She is watering the plants.

4. There are only five cookies left.

5. He begged money in the streets.

6. The two cities are connected by a railway.

7. Animals are usually afraid of fire.

8. He tames lions for the circus.

9. The lake is surrounded by trees.

10. The chairs are made of wood.

11. The two boys look very similar.

12. She taught English to students.

13. We saw three pandas in the zoo.

14. There are many paths to success.

15. He won three golds and a bronze.

16. There are 300 employees in his firm.

17. He’s a few inches taller than me.

18. The nights are long in winter.

19. On weekends I like to sleep late.

20. There are several fishes in the lake.