Examples of Collective Nouns in English

Examples of Collective Nouns
Examples of Collective Nouns

Examples of Collective Nouns

  • a bale of wool
  • a band of musicians
  • a basket of fruit
  • a batch of bread
  • a battery of guns
  • a bevy of beauties

  • a board of directors
  • a book of notes
  • a bouquet of flowers
  • a bowl of rice
  • a bunch of bananas
  • a bunch of crooks
  • a bunch of flowers
  • a bunch of grapes
  • a bunch of keys
  • a bundle of sticks
  • a catalog of prices

  • a catch of fish
  • a chain of events
  • a choir of singers
  • a class of pupils
  • a class of students
  • a cloud of dust
  • a cloud of flies
  • a cloud of insects
  • a Clump of trees
  • a cluster of coconuts
  • a clutch of eggs
  • a collection of coins
  • a collection of pictures
  • a collection of stamps    
  • a comb of bananas
  • a crate of fruit
  • a crew of sailors   
  • a crowd of people
  • a drove of horses

  • a fall of rain
  • a fall of snow
  • a fleet of ships
  • a fleet of taxi
  • a flight of birds
  • a flock of chicks
  • a flock of sheep
  • a forest of trees
  • a galaxy of stars
  • a gang of robbers
  • a gang of thieves
  • a group of artists
  • a group of dancers
  • a group of singers

  • a haul of fish
  • a heap of stones
  • a herd of cattle
  • a herd of deer      
  • a hive of bees
  • a host of sparrows
  • a kindle of kittens
  • a library of books
  • a line of cars
  • a list of names
  • a litter of kittens
  • a litter of puppies
  • a mob of rioters
  • a nest of ants
  • a nest of mice
  • a nest of rabbits

Examples of Collective Nouns

  • a pack of cards
  • a pack of wolves
  • a packet of letters
  • a pair of shoes
  • a party of friends
  • a patrol of policemen
  • a plague of insects
  • a posse of policemen
  • a pride of lions    
  • a range of hills
  • a ream of paper
  • a regiment of soldiers
  • a rope of pearls

  • a row of houses
  • a school of whales
  • a series of events
  • a set of tools
  • a Sheaf of corn
  • a shower of rain
  • a staff of employees
  • a staff of teachers
  • a stock of goods
  • a stock of wood
  • a string of horses
  • a stud of horses
  • a suit of clothes
  • a swarm of ants
  • a swarm of bees

  • A swarm of insects
  • a team of players
  • a train of camels
  • a tribe of natives
  • a troop of lions
  • a zoo of wild animals

Examples of Collective Nouns