Present Continuous Tense Examples

Present Continuous Tense Examples
Present Continuous Tense Examples

Present Continuous Tense Examples

  1. I am going to school.
  2. He is reading a book.
  3. They are playing badminton.
  4. She is doing domestic chores.
  5. She is wearing a blue dress.
  6. He is standing in the queue.
  7. She is talking on the phone.
  8. Rohan is riding a bicycle.
  9. We’re not hiring right now.
  10. I am writing a book nowadays.
  1. Present Continuous Tense Examples
  2. I am sitting in front of you.
  3. The children are making noise.
  4. The teacher is teaching biology.
  5. Naina is listening to music.
  6. He is not playing with us.
  7. They are not going to Delhi.
  8. Are they going to see the Red Fort?
  9. We are going to London next Monday.
  10. Someone is waiting for you outside.
  11. Why are you walking so slow?
  12. My mother is cooking for me.
  13. You are looking so gorgeous.
  14. When are you going abroad?
  15. He is preparing for an exam.
  16. He is looking for another job.
  17. What are you thinking about?
  18. She is playing in the backyard.
  19. The sun is going down now.
  20. She’s coming to the party tonight.
  21. He is thinking about leaving his job.
  1. Who is she talking to on the phone?
  2. They are learning Chinese now.
  3. Shruti is ironing her clothes right now.
  4. The boat is heading south.
  5. The wind is moving from east to west.
  6. Where are you going right now?
  7. Are you playing a computer game?
  8. When are returning to the office?
  9. When is she buying a car?
  10. He is swimming in the river.
  11. They are quarreling with one another.
  12. Sarah is watering the plants.
  13. The potter is making pottery.
  14. I am learning to write an email.
  15. He is learning to drive a car.
  16. The child is sleeping in his crib.
  17. Many birds are flying in the sky.
  18. We are visiting the zoo in the afternoon.
  19. She is helping me to do the task.
  20. Are you watching football on television?
  21. 50 Present Continuous Tense Examples