20 Examples of Possessive Pronouns In Sentences | Possessive Pronouns Sentences Examples
What Is a Possessive Pronoun?
A possessive pronoun is a pronoun that is used to indicate possession or ownership. It indicates that something belongs to that particular person and not someone else.
The common possessive pronouns are – mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.
Read this: 20 Examples of Possessive Nouns
20 Examples of Possessive Pronouns In Sentences
1. He’s a friend of mine.
2. This book is his, not mine.
3. He is a neighbor of ours.
4. This car is his, not yours.
5. Is that mobile yours?
6. The house is theirs.
7. My hair is longer than hers.
8. That little girl of theirs is an angel.
9. I bought this flat – it’s mine.
10. She’s an old friend of ours.
11. Which table is ours?
12. Our bank merged with theirs.
13. The bicycle is mine.
14. This pen is mine, not hers.
15. Excuse me, those seats are ours.
16. This room key is yours.
17. The house belongs to him – it’s his.
18. The yellow balls are mine.
19. The kids are yours and mine.
20. It was not your fault but theirs.